Handspring Alumni Slack

What & Why?

At a recent small gathering of Handspring folk, we discussed how much we missed working with each other. And that it was a shame that we didn’t have more of our bigger gatherings.

Davis Frank and Mark Dadgar had lunch after that and dug deeper. They (we) talked about leveraging networks and how Handspring folks hiring, or even just filtering for what we value, is very useful.

Mark runs the ex-Handspring email list. But it’s been quiet enought that we decided to experiment with a Slack. And here we are. Welcome!

This Slack is Free

…as in beer. This means the functionality is limited.

The biggest limitation is that Slack keeps only the past 90 days of history. The recommendation is to treat this as emphemeral. Any longer-term history should be kept elsewhere. If we have a desire for something more permanent, talk to the admins and we will figure out what works for the group.


The Alumni Slack is open to anyone who had an @handspring.com email address. It’s that simple.

To get invited, contact dwfrank@gmail.com or mark@dadgar.com and one of them will invite you.

Code of Conduct

By participating in this community, you are agreeing to this Code of Conduct. Why do we need a code of conduct? Because it’s the internet.

Contributing to This Site

This static website lives at GitHub and is maintained by Davis W. Frank. If you notice a problem or would like to make a change, we happily review pull requests. If you’re not sure what that is, just ping Davis on the Slack.